Saturday, May 2, 2009

Trusting It To God

We signed papers yesterday morning to list our house for sale. I was feeling excited, a little sad and just a bit nervous while waiting for our realtor to bring over the papers. During this time, I re-read our son-in-law's post on his blog about selling their home ( the entry entitled: Buying a House.....A Spiritual Journey). I then prayed some more. The Spirit let His peace fill my heart. Although this next year or so is going to be bringing some changes into our lives, I know God will bring blessings from these changes.

In times past I have struggled with listening to God's timing and I have struggled many times with keeping my hands off that which I have given to God. Please pray that I will keep the sale of this house, the timing, any obstacles and the blessings in God's very capable and loving hands. I want to enjoy the changes that are coming. I know He sees the BIG PICTURE and I want to trust it to Him.

Psalm 46:10a, "Be still and know that I am God . . ."


Brendakaye said...

I know the next few months will bring lots of changes for you two, but being the selfish person I am, I can't wait You'll be closer!!!!

Kimberly said...

I know, I will so much enjoy being able spend time more often with you all!

Amanda said...

we're praying - God's timing will be perfect. : )

love ya