Saturday, January 22, 2011


This morning, I was going through some old photos and I came across these sweet ones of Amanda and Jordan. And I remembered Brian asking me yesterday if when our kids were little if they were as busy as our grands.

They were. I remember how Amanda and Jordan would go full speed about their day - playing, reading, bickering at times and sweetly loving one another as brothers and sisters do. I remember them (with the help of their Daddy) placing a wading pool at the bottom of their swingset slide for added pool fun. I remember Mandie being a little Mommy to Jordan. I remember finding them in our first backyard dumping pails of dirt on top of one another. They loved that backyard! Memories that make me smile.

Bonus: Now I get to see glimpses of our children in our precious grandsons!
The memories are good and I am blessed.

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