Saturday, August 29, 2009


If you are a female and if you were in Girl Scouts or Brownies, you might remember a song about Friends. I remember it going like this:

Make new friends,
But keep the old.
One is silver,
And the other's gold.

There may be more verses, but that is what I can remember.

I met my friend, Joyce about 28 years ago. We became friends because we went to church together and were pregnant during the same time and became mothers with babies around the same time. Through the years our friendship has grown. Truthfully, that growth is mostly due to her and her heart.

She has always been there for me, not just in words, but in deeds.

Joyce was there for me those months Brian was at the BP Academy. She had me come over every Tuesday after picking up Jordan up from Kindergarten. We watched a soap together, she cooked lunch (with enough leftovers for the kids and I for dinner) and I ironed (a task that weirdly - I love doing). The boys played. It was a win-win deal.

I can't count the number of times she picked up my relatives flying into Tucson through the years. Normally, it was because someone else I loved was having surgery. She brought snacks up to the hospital waiting rooms, sat untold hours waiting for the doctors to come and deliver news of our loved ones and often would taxi people back to the airport to catch their flights home. She even housed some of us through the years during those visits.

She loves my children. She rejoices over the good things in my childrens' lives and prays over their struggles. She always wants to see them when they are in town even if we can only meet for a quick supper somewhere.

When she had her first grandson - Landon. She graciously let me share in Grandmothering him. She did this because she knew how I longed to be a grandmother and knew I would fall in love with her grandbaby. He was just a day old when she called and asked me to come and see him. I worried that his mommy and daddy wouldn't appreciate me coming so quickly to meet him, but I shouldn't have worried. They apparently have Joyce's gracious spirit.

When my family comes now, she (and sometimes her husband Martin) come down and share a meal with us or spend a day with us. She calls my Mom - Mom and my sisters - her sisters. She even calls Sharlene by her family nickname - Sissie. Joyce is family now too.

Joyce is my "gold" mentioned in the song above. She is a blessing in my life and has been for almost 30 years. The hardest part of leaving Arizona for me is that I won't have Joyce just an hour away. I will miss her.


Brendakaye said...

We will be friends forever
Amigos, buddies, pals
Where you are, I’ll be
No matter how many miles
We will be friends forever
No matter how many mistakes you or I make
Because as long we are friends
There’s nothing we couldn’t take
We will be friends forever
No matter where we’ll be
Because when we leave one another behind
You’ll be in the heart of me
We will be friends forever
No matter how old we are
Because when you’re friends forever
You’ll never be too far

I found this poem and it describes your friendship with Joyce, I lover her like a sister because of all shes done for you and your family.

Kimberly said...

That is nice Brenda, I haven't ever read that poem. Thank you. I love you. Kimberly

Sharlene said...

Brenda told me about this post.
Joyce is a blessing not just to you, but like you said to all of us.
I cannot imagine what it would have been like if she had not been there for us when Daddy had that heart trouble which ended with his 2nd by-pass surgery. Getting us all to where we needed to be, bringing food or taking us out to get some, trips to the airport. The hugs and reassurances...she became part of our extended family. She opened her home and her heart to us. We felt loved and able to face anything when she was there.
We all have be blessed, but most of all she is always, always there for you. Many was the time when we felt like it was okay that we couldn't be there physically for you - we KNEW Joyce would be there for you.
We're hoping to see her in OKC and who knows maybe she can hold a scrapin' weekend for us when she comes!
Thank God for friends who are like family and sisters in Christ who are family!

(a side note: I think she was the one who introduced me to bagels & flavored cream cheese :-)! She always had fun, yummy places to take us to)

Joyce said...

I love all my sisters Kim, Sissy and Brenda. You all are so generous and kind. I feel like I am the one that is blessed because you have so graciously welcomed me into your family.

Give Mom a kiss for me.

Yes, I will come for a long weekend of scrapbooking. Just keep an eye out for a cheap flight for me.

And buy Creative Memories for goodness sakes!!!!

Take good care of Kimmie for me...JOYce xoxo